Roti: A Lifeline of Living

Roti or English Spelled Chapati also known as Flat Bread, has a very crucial role among the human livings on this planet. Roti, a very special food which is almost being cooked  all over worldwide.
This Flat Bread looks like an ordinary food item, but did you know all the people working in all over the world , all the people looking for jobs or doing small businesses, all the students doing their studies, all the workers doing their work in their respective field id just not to earn money but just to earn this ordinary food named Roti.
 Did you just know when you waste a single piece of this Roti or just waste any of the food item, millions of  eyes are just watching you just because of hunger or poverty, millions of farmers are bleeding blood in their farms just to fulfill your hunger, millions of workers fight with their  pain and hunger just to provide you the best and pure quality, millions of mother's are working on wages at other houses, millions of ministers or politicians are working to maintain their economy so as to reduce the count of deaths due to hunger and poverty.
If measured properly across all over the world,this Flat Bread did not just overcomes your hunger but it also maintains your health, wealth and economy of the country.
All the crimes being listened all over the worldwide like Murder, Theft, Kidnapping, etc is just because to earn this ordinary Flat Bread.
All the expenses and innovations of the countries globally just depends and are based just  upon this Flat Bread because it is the basic necessity of the people. 
A Roti or Flat Bread is something which can make anyone do anything like a student who is not studying is being punished by their parents and not given food is ready to study with full grades, a person who is very poor and economically weak is ready to do crimes such as murder or kidnapping just because of it, a women who is pregnant and having two more children is ready to work on other houses just to earn some money to fulfill the hunger of their children, an old person who is not able to even see and could stand is working as a labour in coal factories and mines, but did you just ever think off about these people who you simply go to a party or any function or at home and waste any of the food item, what would be the feelings and reactions of these people towards you ?????????
If Properly calculated, the Roti or Chapati or the flat Bread is so easy to eat, but it is so difficult to earn.
It costs millions of workings, pain and blood bleeding just to earn this ordinary food which is called Roti. 

So next time Whenever you waste any of the food item, just think about the billion plus people who are working for you to fulfill your hunger and health.


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