Direction: Birth, Love, Life.


So, What is Direction?

A path that you follow or a way where you go, it can be scary shades of  dark or the glittering eyes of light.

What will you say, the direction is?

Some people consider direction as a way to earn happiness, some consider it a way to earn money, some consider it as a way of living and some consider it as a way to death.

Direction, it simply means a light which enlightens not your path, not your destination, not your way, and not your considerations that whatsoever you have made. It enlightens you, it enlightens the spark that needs an ignite to become fire, it enlightens the nerves that needs the goosebumps, it enlightens the blood which is flowing in your veins to flow like mighty flow of rivers, it enlightens your body to work like a calculator which never stops counting, it enlightens you to find out the potential that we all have lost somewhere between barriers of age, relations, love, and life.

We all face problems, we all face difficulties and in the end we all need satisfaction and peace, but for this we all complain god that he/she is not showing us the path to follow. We all start to chant mantras or do some kind of a meditation just to connect with the god and ask him/her about the way of direction i.e. to find out a point where we want to reach and feel satisfied and get our inner peace.

We always ask god to improve our destiny or ask to change just because we believe that that the thread of our lives is in his/her hands and it might can be but still now we don't have any scientific answers for it.

But have you ever wondered that where were we standing at that time when we complain the god to change our destiny? 

No One Knows!

Let me tell you, we always try to find directions in our life, a sort of escape plan just to swipe out from the life like scrolling up and down on the Instagram without knowing the actual facts and figures.

Life is all about Exploration and Opportunities. Every morning the sun might change its vision or clarity but it does not change it's direction to rise and set. Just like we human being having all the things in our hands, having all the directions in front of us complains god for another directions and for changing our destinies.

Direction is not the path or way you follow, it is the light that enlightens you everyday just to make you remember that you have a direction, you have a path, you have a way to follow but the only thing we lack is to follow. The god, the almighty might be responsible for changing our luck or it can't be but the ability to change our destiny is more present within us than god because the god lies everywhere.

So instead of finding directions in your life, start following the direction which you have, start exploring the world with different vision and find out the treasuries of happiness and joy everywhere not because to stop anywhere at a point but because to explore more and more.

ये दिशा मेरी तो कभी तेरी, 

कहानी दर बदर कहती है ।

जो ढूंढ रहा है तू मुझे मन की गलियों में,

वो उन गलियों की रोशनी बनकर रहती है।

ना प्रकाश था जब मन में कही,

वो प्रकाश बनकर बहती है।

ये दिशा मेरी तो कभी तेरी, 

कहानी दर बदर कहती है ।

जो ढूंढ रहा है तू मुझे मन की गलियों में,

वो उन गलियों की रोशनी बनकर रहती है।



  1. Impressive bro 🔥❤
    Keep writing ✍️ this kind of stuff❤🔥


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