Street Dogs: A Friend or An Enemy


Dog, a so called pet belonging to Animalia Kingdom of Mammalia Class often seen in almost every house in this world. Their several types of breeds, colors and looks make them an animal for pet friendly uses. A Dog is an animal which is very proactive, alert and responding to every situation at any presence of time.

Talking about in India, there are mostly good breed Dogs are mostly found in all homes as they are very much lovable to all people especially the children's. Good breed dogs are treated with full care and hostility that they grow very actively and strongly.

But What About Street Dogs or Stray Dogs?

Are they not our friend or they do not have characteristics like good breed dogs have?

Well this this the first question which arises in mind of every person who upstands to adopt a dog. Many of them thinks is it good to adopt stray dogs or should they spend some bucks to purchase a good breed dog.

Let me tell you, a dog is that animal which only needs your love and care doesn't matter it is a breed dog or a stray dog. Both are equal and have similar characteristics. It is the most faithful animal in this world.

So instead of spending bucks for a good looking dog is not so worthy as they are some less active then the street dogs and also needs a good diet for good and efficient maintenance. 

As you all know the population of Street Dogs is increasing just like the population of humans. Most of the time they don't get food, shelter and many other things which they need for their survival. Many of the street dogs are being dying because of hunger, some are facing accident, bad weather conditions etc.

We don't have even proper organizations or care houses who take cares of them even the government has made several NGOs which are also not working properly and they all lead to their deaths due to insufficiency of food and other needy things. 

So It will be a very charitable work if we adopt some of the Street Dogs and take care of them as a member of their own Family or we should start raising some funds for their needs so that every street dog in this country should not be died due to lack of food or other insufficiencies of resources.

With this kind of charitable works we can not only take care of them but can also make them trained for various security agencies like defense etc. Giving them a good bite of food will not only make your pockets flourished but also they will give you good blessings for your happy and prosperous lives.

Remember, A Dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves Himself.


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