Technology: Dropping The Human Health

Technology, simply means fully knowledge of technical things which we implement in our day to day life is called as Technology. Earlier you used to brush your teeth with your own, but now robots are there to do that for you. Earlier you used to sew anything by yourself, but now there are machines to do that work for you. Even there are machines which can even serve you the food and also feed it to you. THAT"S TECHNOLOGY The Technology among the countries has a rapid growth within few years. It has helped develop more advanced economies (including today's global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. The Word Technology can also be called as "A Collection of Techniques". But this Technology has a very bad effect to the health of the people worldwide because the work load has become zero, the working potential of the people of all the countries as compared to old times has become negative. Earlier people used to do their small to small work to big to big...