Farmers: Our Real heroes

Farmer !
People Often seems calling them Poor People, Low Caste People or Narrow Minded People.
These words are often being listened by the well settled people or the rich people to the farmers of our country. Does anyone actually know What Are Farmers?????????
A Farmer is a person who stand by, look after and prepares the crops which the rich people sell to become more rich and use to eat a plenty to become more fatty and healthy.
A Farmer is a person who takes care of the crops in all the acute and chronic conditions, it stands on the farmland for several hours and days and look after the crops like their own childrens.
A Farmer is a person who sells their plenty of crops to the rich crop sellers and what they get in return, some little amount of money, some tortures and some abused words but did you ever think a farmer is one who is key structure of the all the rich people and also of our country.
A Farmer is one who can make you more richer and richer and can also make you a roadside beggar.
Whenever I see any rich people buying crops from the farmers they never pay them the right costs, even our government also don't pay them well.
 A Farmer plays a very crucial role in maintaining our country's health, wealth and economy. They are not born with farming works but their destiny make them to do that work. Likewise, the defence forces are alloted in the borders to safeguard us from any harm, a farmer also takes care of us like our own parents but this thing can never be understood by the rich and well settled people. For them the farmers are just low castes, poor people and narrow minded, but they don't know a farmer works on all the weathers either sunny or winter in mud and make themselves low caste, poor and ugly looking just to make rich people's status more high. A Farmer is never called as  Ugly because it serves for the motherland and the child who serves for their mother never be said as Ugly.
We all live in that narrow minded society where if a hero or big popularity and even defence soldiers dies are given a shroud of national flag or big popularity among the social media and other medias, but if a farmer dies no minister or any other government or private official even doesn't goes to it's funeral, Why?
Is this what we give respect to our farmers.
Give Respect to the Farmers than giving them government policies.




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