Covering the Faces : A Fight against Crisis

Masks are the primary tools this season. Leaving aside some irresponsibles, most people make an attempt to shield each other from harm. Civic space has changes utterly. A whole subterranean realm of reading each other's expressions, being polite to strangers, acknowledging their presence, is no longer possible. When in the whole world the faces of people are half hidden, our friendly humanities and hospitality doesn't show through. A covered face hides range of behaviour and expresssions. Now, we are just floating with the pair of eyes and a tone of mouth.
But for many people especially women, this can also feel liberating. Because women smiles a lot more than men. Much of this social pressure to be friendly and non threatening, and only about a fifth of these are are genuine smiles which reach to our eyes in once in a week or  in a month.
The mask anonymises face, a bit like a vail in some cultures. Some men and women feel erased and oppressed by these coverings. For others, its a safeguard tool in this crisis of Corona. But it also somehow act as a protective shields to all the females who are being choosen as a victim of crimes in the whole world.


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