Motivation : A Superpower or Inner Power


Motivation, what it is ?
Any superpower or our inner power which stay us energetic all the day, night, months years ?
What is this exactly ?

Motivation is exactly a power which enlightens you every time being in your mind, soul, blood, heart and in your body, which not only enlightens you but also act as your support and strength when you are in a period of your decline and it's that one thread of hope which never gives you the feeling of quitting  something even if you realize the meaning of failure and defeat.

Motivation in your life comes in many forms, in some it comes in a form of a very special person, in some it comes in a form of special thought or feeling, in some it comes in a form of a very special incident. In my case it was a very special person to whom i trust endlessly and love unfavorably and she always supported and encourage me as i want, as in my period of decline and help me deciding the most important decision of my life.

Likewise in my case you guys also might be having a piece of motivation who is always encouraging you to fight this hardest battle called life and might be supporting you at all ends. Motivation is that pillar of success which works only if you have a right aim and goal of your life otherwise it does not makes you feel like anything and it is the only thing which makes your dream come true and sometimes breaks you and throws you in deep anxiety and depression. 

A Motivation is something which have a power to make anyone shines like a meteor and helps you to achieve the greatest success and goals of your life. It even forces you to bear the pain, shed the blood, burst out the brain until you get your target.

In the end i would say that success only comes by two principles one is dream and another is motivation. You may be sometimes broken by your dreams but  you should not broken by your motivation because a broken dream can be build within a short period of time but a motivation once broken can take sometimes a short time and sometimes a very long period to recover and rebuild.


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