Turning Point Of Life

 "Turning Point of Life," a span of time that confronts every species, both living and non-living, as well as every human being. A turning point in life occurs when a person or a creature switches from an older version of itself to a newer and more advanced version.

Sounds crazy !  

Yes, I'm not addressing to any technical or system upgrade; rather, I'm referring to the transformation that takes you from where you are now to where you want to be, the spot where you want to stand, and the objective that you want to attain.

A turning point in our lives can happen at any point in our lives; it can occur as a positive transformation, a severe heartbreak, or after we have lost everything. But that transformation has only two effects on your life: either you become what you want to be in life or you become what can't be taken away from you.

This shift occurs in all human beings, critters, and all living and non-living bodies, and this turning point occurs in front of everything that exists in this cosmos. And this adjustment might be beneficial or detrimental at times. Some things develop their new versions in a well-equipped manner, while others diminish their values in order to lose their old versions, and they are always caught between the thread of life and the well of death.

A Watershed Moment When it comes to positive, it pushes you to your limits, whereas negative pushes you to the end of your life. However, the fundamental difference between the two situations is that in one, we can simply cling on to a thread called life over the well known as death, or we can simply swing circle on that same thread, enjoying every moment of life and living blissfully and cheerfully.

So this is all the Turning Point Of Life

You can either hang freely or swing in a circle to spend every moment of your life pleasantly and enthusiastically.

कल एक झलक ज़िंदगी को देखा,

वो राहों पे मेरी गुनगुना रही थी,

फिर ढूँढा उसे इधर उधर
वो आँख मिचौली कर मुस्कुरा रही थी,

एक अरसे के बाद आया मुझे क़रार,
वो सहला के मुझे सुला रही थी

हम दोनों क्यूँ ख़फ़ा हैं एक दूसरे से
मैं उसे और वो मुझे समझा रही थी,

मैंने पूछ लिया- क्यों इतना दर्द दिया
कमबख्त तूने,
वो हँसी और बोली- मैं जिंदगी हूँ पगले
तुझे जीना सिखा रही थी।


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