INDIA: A Country of Religious Riots or The Country of Pride


India or Bharat or The Motherland very often used names by the people, by the citizens of this country. India said to be the country of Pride and Valor, but does this meaning actually exists within the people of this country.

I don't think this meaning actually exist in ourselves because the meaning of valor means strength of mind and bravery which comes from a peace and unity of the country, but here in our country no one seems to be peaceful and unity is not visible at all.

Yes! I am talking about the most important problem of this country " Religious Riots ".

Here Every religion is bent to destroy each other for the sake of their Gods, for the sake of their Greediness, for the sake of their own interests. Every religion is good in this country but because of some people, every religion is infamous here. Now if we take an example of Hindu Muslim Riots, the Hindu thinks that the Muslim will do the same thing as they have done in the war of 1965 or 71. On the other hand Muslims thinks that the Hindus were taking all the valuable schemes and offers which they think they should also receive.

Do you know what is the reason of these riots, religion- no, perks and schemes- no, rights and duties-no, the main problem is Lack of Education, Inequality on all the things, Political Parties and some low and bad minded people. 

You you when a child is born he/she doesn't knows in which religion he/she is born, he/she didn't knows what are their religious rituals and rules, didn't knows anything about this country, but the only one thing he/she is considered as a part of independent India  and a member of family called India.

We study together as a coeducation in our schools, eat together in the canteens, drink the same water of this motherland, lives in the same country so why we fight every time to satisfy our personal greed and favors.

If we celebrate festivals together, if we study together, if we eat and drink together, so why is this fight for?

Can't we live together, live happily, and increase the pride of India's Unity.

Or if no so don't celebrate festivals together, don't send your children to co-schools, don't ask for jobs together. Instead of making India as a country of Religious Riots make it a country of Peace, Unity and a country of Pride and Valor.

 India or Hindustan comprises of all four Religions


 न मेरा है न तेरा है ये हिन्दुस्तान सबका है
नहीं समझी गई ये बात तो नुकसान सबका है

हज़ारों रास्ते खोजे गए उस तक पहुँचने के
मगर पहुँचे हुए ये कह गए भगवान सबका है

जो इसमें मिल गईं नदियाँ वे दिखलाई नहीं देतीं
महासागर बनाने में मगर एहसान सबका है

अनेकों रंग, ख़ुशबू, नस्ल के फल-फूल पौधे हैं
मगर उपवन की इज्जत-आबरू ईमान सबका है

हक़ीक़त आदमी की और झटका एक धरती का
जो लावारिस पड़ी है धूल में सामान सबका है

ज़रा से प्यार को खुशियों की हर झोली तरसती है
मुकद्दर अपना-अपना है, मगर अरमान सबका है

उदय झूठी कहानी है सभी राजा और रानी की
जिसे हम वक़्त कहते हैं वही सुल्तान सबका है

                                                                                   Instead Of Fight, Please Unite.

                                                                                                        - Jai Hind 



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