Love: A Feeling or Commitment for Life


Love, a Feeling or just a Commitment for Life.

What You Think?

First of all I would like to explain what actually Love is, not just by what it means nowadays, but what it actually means.

Love or Pyaar or Ishq or whatever you say is a cloud which flows on the sky without any attention, without any destination, without any restrictions, a bird which sings a beautiful song of life in the heart of every human being. Love is not just a feeling to feel enthusiastic or just be happy, it is a lifetime connection between two hearts, two souls, and two people. You can have love with anyone like with your parents, friends but the moreover you feels is with your life partner.

Now the question comes that Love is only a feeling or a commitment for Life.

See for this we have two justifications. One is when you take love only as a mode of living, spending life fully in a messy way and just living the life as you were living it as earlier.

And Second is when you don't just spend your life in an ordinary manner but enjoying every moment like worth remembering for the rest of your life. When every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every month, and every year passes with some beautiful memories of your life.

Love is not just which can be felt for a limited period of time, it is something when you don't know that you are in love and your heart and the soul is connected to someone whom you feel as perfect for the rest of your life.

Love is not conditional, love is not reasonable, love is not a destination, it is that beautiful song of life which makes you remember every moment which you spend with your life partner.

Remember the relations nowadays are just built in the foundations of need, adjustments, greed, and other economic conditions might be happier or enjoying their lives in a good manner but they don't have love between them and without love the life is just like a book without pages.

You can have love at any point of time but we should understand one thing when our mind says she is good for you that means it just a sort of attraction, but when our heart and soul says she is the one in which you can see your remaining moments of your life that means now you have got the right partner.

You don't need a good face, a good body, a good greedy mindset to love someone, Love begins when things don't happen yet things happen.

So instead of finding ways to make you happy find a true partner with whom you don't need to find happiness.

Love is beautifully described in this Poetry.

के काश ये पल यहीं जाए थम,
के काश ये पल यहीं जाए थम,
तुम मुझमें रहो उलझे,
और तुझमें रहें हम,
तुम मुझमें रहो उलझे,
और तुझमें रहें हम,

रिश्ते तो बनते है बहुत इस जहान में हम से कई,

हम बनाएं वो रिश्ता,
ना तुम रहो तुम,

ना हम रहें हम...


  1. I think without love, the life is like a book with empty pages:)


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