Martyrdom: A Saga Of Victory

 "When you go home, tell them of us and say,  

For Their Tomorrow, We gave our Today...

Martyrdom, a very common word having different pronunciations all over the World, but has a very intense and signifying meaning. A word that describes all about the lives of heroes and soldiers of this Motherland.

India with a population of billion plus people with distinguished castes, varied cultures and outstanding lifestyles. All are just busy with making money and exploring moments of happiness with their families, friends and with their loved ones. 

But have you ever thought that we are safe today because, everyday someone is paying their lives for us and becoming Martyrs.

Yes I am talking about the soldiers of this country, the heroes of their families and the son's of this Motherland. Every single second, every single minute, every single hour, every single day, every single month and every single year, hundreds of son's are giving their lives in the cold breezes of the Glaciers, the sizzling heat of the Deserts. But whenever a soldier dies we just troll it on the internet, put that in our social trends and just write a tagline 'Rest in Peace' next after their pictures.

Is this the honor and privileges we are giving to our Martyr Soldiers?

If yes then shame on you, shame on us that a person who is sacrificing his whole life, a mother who is sacrificing his son , a father who is sacrificing his old age stick, a sister who is sacrificing her bond of defense, just for you and you are just giving them homage by uploading their heroic saga all over your social  accounts just to get some of the likes and some followers.

Shame on You Really!

Or is this the homage we should give to our Martyr's.

In spite of this if you want to give real homage and honor to our Martyred Sons, we should uplift our inner souls to lighten the light of Patriotism and Beliefs towards our Country.

Don't honor their families with medals, don't honor them with exemplary idols as we do. If you want to honor their families, support them financially and economically. Tell their mother that what if their one son has gone, their this son will make up for it, tell their father that you'll be their old age stick, tell their sister that you'll be his bond of defense, tell yourself that the promises that their son have lost in the battlefield, you'll make it complete, tell them that they only have not lost their star of happiness, you have also lost a brother/sister for life.

Martyrdom is not just a matter of sadness or sorrows, its a saga of victory that remains after their respective deaths. It is not just a matter of pain and loss, its a matter of sacrifices and promises which we should fulfill in order to get happiness among the families, in order to fulfill peace among the World.

At ending my words at a very low esteem, I Would like to say that if something burns you from inside, if something moods you off and make you cry when the soldiers die, then promise yourself that you will be the one fulfilling his gap among his families, his friends, his society, his culture and in his country. No Matters from where you are coming from, no matter how much you are educated, no matter how much you are rich but remember a son is sacrificing his life to make your lives happy and safe.

Remember Someone is painting the art of your happiness with their blood in the Borders and you are the son of your mother along with this Motherland.....

                                                                                                                            - Jai Hind


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