Environment: Shaping the Life of Young Indians

 Environment, a very important aspect of our life. I am not talking about the global environment, I am talking about the surroundings and society which helps in shaping young people of India as good people with broader thinking and physical capabilities, bad people with narrow minded personalities and legendary people who have marks on the Indian History as a remarkable impact and exemplary personalities among ourselves.

Environment plays a very major and crucial role in shaping one's life right from time of born till the eternity. If for example, you were born in a very good and stable family and you were getting all your demands get fulfilled but at the same time if you are in that environment which is not good and have very adverse effects. So will that be shaping you in a good and responsible citizen of this country?


The amount of knowledge you gain, the amount of facilities you get, the amount of comforts you get, the amount of happiness you get, does not matter if you are in such that type of environment which is very negative, adverse, and have bad influence in your life. You are not going to grow socially, independently and morally. Doesn't matter if you are a big bookworm, doesn't matter if you are a great person, if your environment is not good and it does not influence you in good aspects of life, learning values and inculcating good progressions in yourself so it is not worth for becoming a great person, a great leader, a great influencer and a great citizen of this country.

For example if we talk about an Army Officer, the major role of becoming the "Officer"  for him is, what you say ? 

His/her Higher Capabilities or Studies NO!

His/her Physical and Mental fitness  NO!

The Major role which shapes him/her as an Officer is Environment, the society in which they are born, the discipline and determination which they have learnt from their childhood to an Officer, That Matters a lot..

The Environment in which we live not only shapes us in the form of good or bad persons, but also it helps us in learning more and more values, morals and ethos which not only us in creating a better personality but also creating a better future.

The Environment is that potter of our life which shapes ourselves as the way we want it to be. If  a person is determined to do some big things in his life so the environment helps them to inculcate new habits, new ideas and progressive thoughts and if a person decides to be bad and do wrong things then the environment shapes him as the exact way he wants to be.

Now, one question is arising on all your minds that what actually Environment is???

Environment is the thought process of your subconscious mind, your surroundings, your friend circle, your relatives, your schoolmates or batch mates, your society, and your country. Everything that helps in shaping ourselves towards the right choice, the right decisions, and the right path are all part of our environment.

Your way of talking, way of moving, way of sitting, way of eating, way of everything tells that from which type of environment you are coming.


At the last but not the least i would like to share a very valuable thought to all of you and that is-

          "Environment is One who can make you, What You Want to be in your Life"


                                                                                                                                        - Jai Hind



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