A Soldier's Life: What we think, what they get

Soldier, sounds so easy to say doesn't it. Yes it is but, have you ever wondered that is that actually the same life of soldiers which we predict, what we think, or what our mind says that the decorative respect, services and facilities and all other things which they get are getting are superficial for them to live a happy and prosperous life? Well if you think Yes, you are wrong. A Life of a Soldier is not just about the work which they do, the services which they get or the decorative respect which they get, its about a life which no one can understand but only a soldier does. India an emerging and leading power with an outstanding and destructive forces in the land, sea and the air is not just because the equipment which we use or the generations of weapons which we follow, it is a powerful country because of the soldiers which are standing there in the unbearable blazing of heat and the soul freezing cold and yes they do also have a life which we cannot understand ...